Uft \l/2
x'n2 dt\ , lim yn = + oo; consider
/ /1-+00
the sequence of the functions yn = xn/yn, and derive a contradiction from the fact that,
on one hand lim yl dt — 0, and on the other hand, there is an interval [a, c] <= I and

n-»-ao Ja
a number p > 0 such that |j>n(0| ^ p for every « and every point t e [a, c].)
(d) Let JLCI be the g.l.b. of 3>(x) in A n H0. Show that if (xn) is a sequence in A n H0
such that lim ®(xtt) = ^1} (*,,) is bounded in H (same method as in (c)). Deduce from

that result that, by extracting a convenient subsequence, one may assume that the
sequence (xn) is uniformly convergent in I to a function u (which, however, need not
a priori belong to H) (use Ascoli's theorem (7.5.7)).

(e) $(*) is a quadratic form in H0, i.e. one has ®(.x + y) = 0>(x) + ®(y) -f 2 T(x, y),
where T is bilinear; for any function z which is twice continuously differentiate in I

and such that zf(a) = z'(b) = z(a) = z(b) = 0, one has ^(x, z) = - P xz" dt H- P <?xz dt;
Yfa, z) can be defined by the same formula for any function v continuous in I. Show
that for any such function z and any real number £, one has

lim ($(*„ + |z) / f \xn + £z)2 dt]
-*oo \ / Ja I
and deduce from that result that one must have
(uz" - quz -f p&z) dt = 0.
Hence, if w is a twice continuously difTerentiable function such that w" = qu — p,^,
one has (u — w)z" dt — 0 by integration by parts ; conclude that u w is a polynomial

of degree ^ 1 (observe that by substracting from u — w a suitable polynomial p of degree
1, there exists a function z such that z" = u w — p, z(a) = z(b) = z'(d) = z'(b) = 0),
Hence u is twice continuously difTerentiable, satisfies the differential equation

u" — qu + pin = 0,
and is such that u2 dt — 1 ; furthermore, u'(a) = — aw(a), w'(^) = fiu(b}. (To prove the

last statement, express that for any z e H0 , <&(u + |z) ^ jUi (w -f ^z)2 dt, for any real
number £.)
2. (a) With the notations of (11 .7.10), suppose first that k^k20, and let a = hi/kl9
jg =: —h^\k^ . Show that the <pn can be defined (up to sign) by the following conditions :
(1) 9! is such that, on the sphere A: (y \ y) = 1 in G, the function <D (defined in Problem
l(c)) reaches its minimum for y = <plt and that minimum is equal to A4; (2) for n > 1,
let An be the intersection of A and of the hyperplanes (y \ 9?fc) = 0 for 1 < k ^ n — 1 ;
then y>n is such that on Aw , 0 reaches its minimum for y = <pn , and that minimum is
equal to Xn . (The characterization of <pi follows at once from the results of Problem 1 ;
use the same kind of argument to characterize <pn •)

(b) If ki = 0, &2 ^ 0, prove similar results, replacing a by 0 in <D, but replacing the
sphere A by its intersection with the hyperplane in G defined by y(a) = 0. Proceed
similarly when k± ^ 0 and k2 = 0, or when Arx = k2 = 0.